Filthy, Beautiful Sex
The two sexplorers, Leja & Luka talk about life, sex, and everything in between.
Filthy, Beautiful Sex
Buying (sexy) gifts for your partner
Leja & Luka
Season 2
Episode 1
In this episode, we talk about gifts.
Some questions we talked about:
- What is something you would like to receive as a gift? Would you rather receive a toy or an act?
- What are some key things to consider when choosing a gift?
- How to present a gift?
- Gifts for new relationships vs long-term relationships
- Long-distance relationship gifts
- DIY gifts
- Gifts from hardware store & PG-rated gifts that can be sexy
- What's the worst time to gift a sex toy? If there was an award for the most inappropriate sex toy given at the wrong time, what would that be?
- And more...
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